My recipient file does not matter
You select the file and validate. But after a while, the same dialog box appears and the import was not done.
Check the file size, it must be less than 10 MB.
However, you can compress the file in ZIP format to reduce its size before sending it.
You can also segment it into several smaller files.
If you frequently work with files larger than 10 MB, which represents approximately 400,000 emails in text format and 1,300,000 emails in ZIP format (without the additional data columns), do not hesitate to contact our technical support so that they can set up the FTP import module for you. This module allows you to send the file to an FTP account before importing it into a campaign.
My file imports incorrectly
The import procedure seems to work correctly, however I only get a few contacts and when I click on "View" some incomprehensible characters appear instead of the contacts
Make sure you are importing a CSV file and not an Excel (XLS) file.
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