Table des matières
Create a sub-account
This function allows you to create a sub-account (note that this function is only available for reseller accounts).
int Add_User($login_user,$pass_user,$quota_forward,$login,$password)
- $login_user : login of the new user
- $pass_user : password of the new user
- send_quota: allocated send quota
- $login : reseller account login
- password: password for the reseller account
The SOAP server for user management is separate from the normal API:
Create a new account and assign it a quota.
Settings (required)
All parameters are mandatory.
An integer corresponding to the identification number of the new account:
- num_user
The user ID of this new user must be stored on your side in order to modify his account and add a sending quota.
Error messages
No field should be left empty
No field should be left empty password
Intermediate error (wrong login / password)
No field should be left blank (new account IDs, quota).
This username already exists: please choose a new login
Quota too high / You don't have enough quota to assign this credit to your new user.
Example with NuSOAP
include('nusoap/nusoap.php'); $client = new soapclient(''); // Enlever le 's' de 'https' si CURL n'est pas installé $parametres = array( 'login_user'=>'demo_434', 'pass_user'=>'43fdg43', 'quota_envoi'=>'500', 'login'=>'votre_login', 'motdepasse'=>'votre_mot_de_passe' ); $variable=$client->call('Ajout_Utilisateur', $parametres); // Récupérer l'erreur le cas échéant if($client->fault) die("Erreur:Code: {$client->faultcode}" . "Détail: {$client->faultactor}" . "Solution: {$client->faultstring}"); print_r($variable);
This gives a result of the type :
This number corresponds to the new user's ID.
Example with PHP5
try { $client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => "", 'uri' => "", 'encoding'=>'ISO-8859-1' )); $variable = $client->Ajout_Utilisateur('demo_434','43fdg43','500','votre_login','votre_mot_de_passe'); //ou //$variable = $client->__soapCall(Ajout_Utilisateur,$parametres); print_r($variable); } catch (SoapFault $fault) { trigger_error("SOAP Fault: (faultcode: {$fault->faultcode}, faultstring: {$fault->faultstring})", E_USER_ERROR); }
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