
int Recup_Parametres_Campagne (id_campagne, login,password)


Retrieves the parameters of a campaign.

Parameters (required)

login: the customer identifier (nichandle)

password: the password

id_campagne : campaign identifier


A table containing the campaign parameters

  • [id] => campaign identifier
  • [reference] => Campaign reference (for your use)
  • [date_creation] => unix timespam
  • [date_sent] => unix timespam or'Not sent' timespam
  • [return_path] => Return path and from
  • [management_npai] => 0
  • [sender_name] => Ediware
  • [reply] => Reply address
  • Subject] => Subject of the message
  • [total_mail] => Number of emails in the campaign database
  • [attached_images] => 0 if the images are uploaded to a server, 1 if the images are embedded in the mail
  • [unsubscribe_link] => 0 if you manage the unsubscribe link, 1 if the unsubscribe link is managed by MDWorks
  • [passphrase] => This password associated with the campaign is required to display the campaign statistics page

Error messages

No field must remain empty login

No field must remain empty password

Identification error (wrong login / password)

This campaign does not seem to belong to you

Example with NuSOAP


client = new soapclient('');

parameters = array('campaign_id' =>'id_campagne';'login' =>'your_login','password' =>'your_password');

variable=$client->call('Recup_Parameters_Campagne', $parameters);

// Retrieve the error if any if($client->fault) die("Error:Code: {$client->faultcode}
" . "Detail: {$client->faultactor}
" . "Solution: {$client->faultstring}

echo "Answer:'.$variable.'' ' 

Example with PHP5

try { $client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => "", "uri' ñ ñ ñ => "", "encoding' =>'ISO-8859-1' ñ));

Variable = $client->Recover_Parameters_Campagne('id_campagne','your_login','your_password'); //or //$variable = $client->__soapCall(Recover_Parameters_Campagne,$parametres);

print_r($variable); } catch (SoapFault $fault) {
trigger_error("SOAP Fault: (faultcode: {$fault->faultcode}, faultstring: {$fault->faultstring})", E_USER_ERROR);



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